Interactive Dance Performance
ExtraSchicht 2018
Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.
An interactive performance Inspired by Francis Bacon's paintings, in which he interpreted the world as a wild slaughterhouse. On the one hand, it questions images that create wars; on the other hand, it also assembles them in a setting in which levels overlap, war and violence appear as almost ubiquitous phenomena. In this dance performance, the methods of choreography, media technology, stage art and digital high technology merge into a rousing, new theatre language. the dancers explore the abysses of the human soul and question the fundamental behavioral patterns of humans, which threaten to blur between archaic and cultural gestures.
Tanz Phaedra Pisimisi, Stefanie Schwimmbeck, Camila Scholtbach
Live Visuals /Motion Capture Doaa Darwish
Digital Media Media Computing Gruppe (Leitung: Prof. Ido Iurgel)
Bühnenbild Teresa Grünhage
Lichtdesign Dirk Gelbrich
Premiere 8. März 2018 in der Liebfrauenkirche Duisburg
This perfomance was premiered at 39th DUISBURGER AKZENTE art festival.
